The Nigerian Institute of Medical Research Foundation (NIMR Foundation) is a private, non-profit organization that was founded by the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) in February 2020. Its mission is to support and enhance the goals and objectives of NIMR, the premier medical research organization in Nigeria that is tasked with conducting research into diseases and conditions that are important to the country’s public health. The Foundation collaborates with the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) to strengthen Nigeria’s healthcare and medical research capabilities by offering opportunities for both practical, mentored capacity development for research and academic scholarship grants.A private, nonprofit organization called the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research Foundation (NIMR Foundation) was founded. In 2019, the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) launched the first Grantsmanship and Mentorship Training Programme (GMTP) for a group of thirty early career researchers, with pilot financing from Welcome Trust. In order to build on the successes of the first training program and in light of the NIMR Foundation’s establishment in 2020 as well as the overwhelmingly positive results of the second and third training program editions, which were held in 2022 and 2023, respectively, the NIMR Foundation, in partnership with the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (the Institute), hereby calls for applications from early career researchers from throughout Nigeria for the fourth Grantsmanship and Mentorship Training Program.GOALS FOR THE Program
To establish a sufficient and long-lasting network of dedicated early career researchers with a multidisciplinary, multi-institutional collaborative approach, competence in creating competitive, high-quality grant writing, and ability to support healthcare research and development in Nigeria.SUMMARY OF THE PROGRAMME:
- Knowledge of health services research techniques
- Creation of hypotheses and research questions
- Choosing the right statistical software to analyze data
- Research Ethics and Ethics Permission: How to Look for and Find Targeted Funding Agencies and Comprehend Their Requirements
- Composing strong grant applications
- Determining the specifics of the peer review procedure and illustrating it via a mock peer review procedure
- Enhancing training and communication abilities, especially the ability to write summaries in simple language
- Instruction on how to effectively lead mentorship microteaching sessions.
- The fundamentals of creating and overseeing alliances and cooperative efforts.