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Call For Applications | Far LeaF II

Early Career Research Leadership Fellowships are available through the University of Pretoria's Future Africa collaboration platform.  Future Africa hosts the two-year research-focused Future Africa Research Leadership Fellowship (FAR-LeaF II), which…

Apply for Research development Fellowship 2024/25

        Programme Overview
Aim:  to assist African researchers who are becoming experts in their field and tackling significant issues related to human health in order to help them advance their research abilities.What We Offer:  a three to nine-month placement, with extra help provided at your home university both before and after the placement, at a premier research institution in the UK, Europe, or Africa. Available up to £47,000.Who Is Eligible?  early-stage investigators. These highly qualified post-doctoral scientists and doctors, who are engaged in Africa and have active research projects underway, are African nationals (see specific qualifying criteria).How To Apply:  Before creating your application and drafting your proposal, thoroughly read the guidance materials. Fill out the application using theref-a portal.


By April 2025, we hope to inform every applicant of the results of their application.Deadline for submission of all application documents: 13:00 GMT, 4 October 2024 
Questions: If you have any more questions after reading the scheme information document, please get in touch with us by September 27, 2024, ideally using the portal's "Contact Us" area, which is located on the left-hand panel of your homepage.
It is crucial that you speak with the right officials in both your host organization and your employing organization early on about your plans for an AREF Fellowship in the context of your professional development. Your sponsors and other high-ranking individuals must approve and support your plans.While you are on placement, your Employing Organization is not compensated for your salary by AREF; however, we do cover the costs of training, appropriate lodging, and transportation.

What you need before starting your application:

  1. Read the Application  Scheme Information Scheme Information
  2. Thoroughly review the  Guidance on Completing the Application Forms 
  3. AREF Terms and Conditions .This is also available on the portal
You can read more about our fellowship, and what kind of topics our Fellows who come from Africa have been researching.

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