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African BioGenome Project 

Call for Applications African Biodiversity Fellowship for Emerging Genomics Leaders 2024

The objective of the 2022-founded African BioGenome Project (AfricaBP) is to sequence 100,000 genomes in ten years (Ebenezer et al., 2022). The Open Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics was founded by the Knowledge Exchange and Industry Grand Challenge of AfricaBP to serve for the development of human resources throughout the continent (Sharaf, et al., 2023, 2024). In order to develop project based genomics and bioinformatics leadership throughout Africa, AfricaBP is collaborating with the  Carl R. Woese Institute…

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Apply for ISID/BMGF Research Capacity Building Grants 2023 – Fall Cohort

Apply for ISID/BMGF Research Capacity Building Grants 2023 – Fall Cohort

The research grants offered by the International Society for Infectious illnesses are one of the Society's hallmark initiatives and play a key role in upholding ISID's commitment to supporting researchers from nations where infectious illnesses have the greatest adverse health and economic effects. The provision of training, educational support, and mentoring to scientists, allied healthcare…

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